Week 52 - One Day to Go
Distance: 4,231.7 kms in 52 weeks at ave 81.4 kms ( up from 80.6 kms last week)
Last week: 120.75 kms ( good )
Altitude: 76,322 metres in 52 weeks at ave 1,468 metres ( up from 1,437 metres last week)
Last week: 3,039 metres ( 2nd biggest of the year )
With only one day of the year to, most of those figures are not going to move by much. No significant milestones close to chase down.
Distance will be around 400 kms above the past 17 yearly average, but around 1,100 kms below my PB year back in 2013.
Couple of highlights of the past 7 days were my 70th time up Mt Rob Roy on Saturday. A return to the running track on the grass doing some cruise intervals for the first time in 13 months on Sunday.
Then, on Monday, a new course & trails to follow as we ran a circuit around Googong Dam which is actually in New South Wales. It's the areas water storage dam, our drinking water. It's reasonably full, beautifully blue & clear. This run of 45 kms had over 1,500 metres of up hill combined with the Mt Rob Roy run of 28 kms with 970 metres accounted for most of the week's totals.
A good week really to almost round out the year. I really need to keep the faster running on the plan, it certainly helps with the down hills off the " not really too steep" parts of the local mountains.
A final wrap up after an easy jog on New Years Eve.
Well done on reaching your above 75000 m climbing target :-). All the best for 2016
Janene, At
December 31, 2015 at 8:19 AM
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