Week 14 - Just Average
Distance: 1,404.5 kms in 14 weeks at ave 100.3 kms ( up from 100.16 km in week 13 )
Last week: 102.4 kms
Altitude: 30,268 metres in 14 weeks at ave 2,162 metres ( up from 2,104 metres in week 13 )
Last week: 2,910 metres
A fairly average week to maintain weekly averages for the year. Highlights were a really good double trip over Mt Tennent on Saturday ( 28 kms) with 1600 metres of up hill finally breaking the 4 hour mark for the first time in 3 years.
Then backed that up with a nice walk along the fire trail on the western side of Googong Dam on Sunday ( 20 kms) with just under 500 metres of up hill. Just under 4 hours of walking time.
Sunday was the 21st and may be the last one with the group from work since we started in Sept 2012.
Otherwise, mixed up some shorter running with a few low hills.
Still trying to focus on Neverest at the end of the month but getting side tracked by house repairs, packing & decluttering.
And you missed the brown snake that nearly got Leonie on Tennent.
Ewen, At
April 11, 2016 at 2:56 PM
Plenty of snakes on Tennent, have seen a few this summer.
Two Fruits, At
April 12, 2016 at 10:15 PM
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