Week 26 - Half Year Done
Distance: 2,351.35 kms in 26 weeks at ave 90.4 kms ( same as week 25 )
Last week: 92.15kms
Altitude: 53,584 metres in 26 weeks at ave 2,061 metres ( up from 2,046 metres in week 25)
Last week: 2,426 metres
The first half of the year is done and dusted. The averages per week haven't varied by much all year and I'm happy with the consistency.
With only 2 main feature events, the 6 Hour track run in March and Neverest at the end of April, tapering and full recovery hasn't meant much down time.
Also, there have been few really big weeks. Distance wise, biggest week was only 124 kms.
Altitude wise, excluding Neverest week, that was 4,200 metres, the others were all around the average.
Maintaining consistency is all that matters now. Once back in Tasmania to live, I'll prepare for my first attempt at Point to Pinnacle, a road run up Mt Wellington from sea level to the top of the mountain at 1,270 metres in mid November. Should be fun as the event gets big numbers.
However, the weather can be all seasons experienced in the few hours to do the event. Cold, windy, may be snow can be expected.
Point to pinnacle is some good vert. Should be right up your alley.
I'm on target for bike ks - about 5,200 first half. Need to survive winter then the magpie season :)
Ewen, At
July 1, 2016 at 7:16 PM
Keep forgetting about the magpies, with Global warming, they will be attacking very soon. Looking forward to P2P except the hard road surface part.
Two Fruits, At
July 1, 2016 at 7:55 PM
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