Week 21 - A Week Up North
Distance: 1,824.3 kms in 21 weeks at ave 86.9 kms ( down from 87.5 kms at week 19)
Last 2 weeks: 161.45 kms
Altitude: Garmin - 64,952 metres in 21 weeks at ave 3,093 metres ( down from 3,106 metres at week 19)
Last 2 week: 5,946 metres
Strava: 68,148 metres ( ave 3,245 metres)
I tried to escape the beginning of a Tasmanian winter by heading to north Queensland for a 10 day holiday. Unfortunately, the weather didn't play fair. Although it was mild to warm in temps, we had light showers & clouds every day. So humidity was high all the time.
But with little direct sunshine, running conditions were quite good. I managed to get out every day, sometimes twice a day. Visiting my brother up there, I walked the dog a few times which was easy to add a couple more kms each time.
Although not looking for much in distance or vertical, my sister-in-law is a good mountain runner, so we hit the hills a few times together. Picture is of the Pyramid, a hill at Gordonvale just south of Cairns. Base to top is 3 kms with 900 metres of rough, steep metres. Good fun, you bet.
Also, as much as I resisted, I was signed up for and ran two Parkruns while in Cairns. Although a completely flat course on the esplanade, the surface is a concrete path. Yuk !
Second time was 27 seconds faster then the previous week at a respectable, I think, 22' 46" for 5 kms. Is there another Parkrun in me ? Would have to be on gravel trail.
Still nothing planned on the racing front in the near future, so running will still be on getting close to those weekly averages without pushing. Winter temps & weather changes may soon mean winter running, and possibly snow.
Isn't Hobart on a gravel trail? Very respectable time which I'm sure you could improve on. Only about a minute behind what TJ has been running of late. Would be course record for many Tassie parkruns.
Ewen, At
May 30, 2018 at 8:05 PM
Three Parkruns in Hobart. One is all gravel at Risdon Brook dam & the one I will probably attend. Other two are hard surface, mix of concrete & bitumen.
Two Fruits, At
May 31, 2018 at 11:51 AM
Sounds good. We're lucky to have 2 trail parkruns here, Coombs the faster course.
Ewen, At
May 31, 2018 at 5:30 PM
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