Week 50 - A Big Week ( And A Correction )
Distance: 4,085.4 kms in 50 weeks at ave 81.7 kms ( up from 81.1 kms at week 48)
Last week: 111.3 kms
Altitude: Garmin - 146,195 metres in 50 weeks at ave 2,924 metres ( up from 2,899 metres at week 49)
Last week: 4,143 metres
Strava: 148,401 metres
Looks like I have my average figures for the year out by a week. Back in October ( while away on holidays), I have updated by 4 weeks instead of 5 weeks).
While it doesn't change to actual distance and vertical figures, it drops the weekly averages down a bit. Sorry to mislead.
I still have another 2 weeks to get to yearly target which will be quite doable. However, there is no way now I can average 3000 metres of vert per week for the year. Guess that's what happens when you switch off the challenge & enjoy a few weeks away doing not much.
This week was a good one with a nice beach run day on Wednesday when the sun shine was welcome with some warm temps. The other days of the week all had good distance & vertical. Included in that is a good Parkrun at Hobart's Risdon Brook Dam where I ran just 6 seconds outside my Parkrun best time at the venue. It has a 4 small but significant hills so is not a fast course.
However, today Monday writing this I am a little tired so a well deserved day off has been taken. Sunday's run/walk was through button grass plain & bush bashing so a day off will also help heal all the scratches on lower legs as forgot, or decided against, wearing the gaiters. Will remember next time.
Good year Steve. Looking forward to following your adventures in 2019.
Ewen, At
December 22, 2018 at 11:43 AM
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