Tuggeranong Valley Loop
Distance: 33.95km
Time: 3 hrs 24 mins 53 secs
Rate: 6'02" per km
Weather: Cool,temp range 14-20 degrees,humidity 40%, Wind SE 25kmph down to 15kmph
Distance: 97.3km
Running days: 5/7
Ave: 19.46 km per run day
Same as week totals
Distance: 1224.75km
Running days: 67/97
Ave: 18.28km per run day
If you can't navigate your way around the Tuggeranong Valley in lovely southern Canberra, then today's description won't mean much.From home ran up Ashley Dr towards Erindale shops but followed a bike path thru Gowrie and entered the nature park behind Fadden. Over the smaller hill of the Wanniassa Hills before following the Tour de Mtn course across Farrer ridge towards Mt Taylor. Turned off the Mt Taylor track and followed Sulwood Dr to Drakeford Dr near the Kambah Fire Station. Going OK at this point with the SE wind behind and the few hills out of the way.
Next was the long drag down Kambah Pool Road to the Murrumbidgee River where it was too cold for the nudists to be unless well hidden amongst the rocks.
A track I have run many times before takes you along the river edge past Red Rocks Gorge to Tuggy Creek and eventually on to Pine Is. From there it was head for home against the wind and uphill.
I couldn't work out why I struggled over the last hour but then realized that yesterday being Good Friday, a lack of carbos was the problem. Ate seafood all day with barely a slice of bread as the only carbo all day. That won't happen again.
It was a big loop around the valley with great views especially early when high on the Wanniassia Hills and the peace and quiet along the river.It would have been a better day with company but I guess with the Canberra marathon on next Sunday and recovery after that, winter will be a time for the long and winding off road to be run alone.
It's pretty quiet around Canberra today, in West Belconnen too it was most pleasant this morning for long running.
speedygeoff, At
April 7, 2007 at 5:40 PM
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