A little bit more
Distance: 12.75km
Time: 69'01"
Rate: 5'24" per km
Weather: sunny, windy at 20km from NW, temp 14 degrees, humidity 60%
Week: 103.15km
May: 259.15km
Year: 1834.75km
A little further today at similar pace to yesterday heading down towards the river. Nothing to get exited about except a small red belly black snake warming up on the river track. I had thought that it was now too cold for them but this little fella only about 30cm long had not experienced a winter yet. He was very lucky as well as a kookaburra was waiting in a tree down the track waiting for lunch to slither by.
Said hello to both and continued on turning into the cool wind on the way home.
Glad to be able to run during the middle of the day from now on as the cool,getting cold temps do nothing to inspire getting out into the great outdoors. I think winter is really for hibernation.
I like those middle of the day runs - that's partly why I'm doing cross country until it warms up enough for 6' training (about October).
Have you noticed that Laura looks like Strewth's daughter?
By Ewen, At May 25, 2007 at 3:53 PM
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