The Mind Games Begin
Distance: 12.65km
Time: 69'32"
Rate: 5'29" per km
Weather: mild, cloudy,temp 18 degrees,calm,humidity 60%
Week: 25.95km
May: 101.2km
Year: 1676.8km
Just over a week to go and you start to think all small aches are life threatening or at least run stopping. A small niggle behind left knee and I am thinking it's all over. However, I have done unusual ( other than 100's of kms) so I hope it's nothing to worry about. Other than that, all is well.
Today was just a short jog around the back of Tuggie Hill behind Theodore, a few ups and downs but nothing major. No pace in the run,in fact walked up a couple of hills to get used to it as there will be plenty of walking next weekend.
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