Out and about
Distance: 13.3km
Time: 69'05"
Rate: 5'12" per km
Weather: Sunny/part cloud,calm,temp 18 degrees, humidity 60%,good running conditions
After rest day yesterday, it is always interesting to see how the next run will be. Today, it turned out to be fairly easy with no adverse effects from last Saturday's long run.
As flat as I can get down to Pine Is, along the river track and back home with no stops. Very few people out today, they must be having an enjoyable day at work.
Running days now will need to be cut back as well as distance and time. Biggest problem now is speed, speed kills tapering for long distance events and takes longer for recovery.
I have received my number for GH80 with a list of entries to put on " coolrunning" this week. All is well.
Are you going to drop in at Dreamworld on your way north? You could try and talk a bit of sense into CJ's daughter.
By Ewen, At May 8, 2007 at 9:24 PM
I could be front row at Sunday night eviction to see CJ's daughter out on her ear. Hopefully I will be a week too late, she will go this week.
By Two Fruits, At May 9, 2007 at 1:25 AM
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