Let The Wind Be Your Friend
Distance: 14.35km
Time: 77'33"
Rate: 5'24" per km
Weather: Cool, part sun/cloud,temp 14 degrees,strong south wind at 30kph,humidity 60%
Week: 38.3km
June: 38.3km
Year: 1915.15km
It has blown cold winds from the south east for a few days now with plenty of rain and damage on the eastern Aust coast but no rain in the ACT. The wind has been either friend or foe in the running arena depending on your mood. Windy today meant no need to head for the hills, at today's intensity it was just as difficult as running up hill.
Decided to keep the run flat so ran down by the river where although there was no relief from the wind, a chance to run with the wind from behind, gave me a chance to go a little faster at times than I have for months. Mind you, coming back home was a struggle against but it made you work hard. Still a good day out.
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