Lazy Sunday Afternoon
Distance: 13.5 km
Time: 67' 36"
Rate: 5'00" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 11 degrees, humidity 60%, light breeze at 10km from north
Week: 13.5 km
July: 257.2 km
Year: 2352.3 km
Not much happening this afternoon, so not wanting to waste an opportunity, decided to get out on a nice lazy, sunny afternoon ( as sung by the Small Faces). A flat run today after a few hills yesterday, so just headed down by the river. Plenty of people out exercising themselves and their dogs in places they should not have been in the nature park. The smell of the BBQs told me to stop and join in, but not without an invite.
The muddy tracks have finally dried out making running much easier underfoot reflecting in a better km rate than the previous few runs in the area. Plenty of water in the river, pity it is so cold and fast flowing, otherwise it could be just the tonic for legs that need a bit of recovery work.
Good run today, the rest of this week may be a bit hit and miss depending on work commitments.
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