Two Fruits

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Frustration of Cross Training

Distance: 15.0 km
Time: 78' 33"
Rate: 5' 14" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 18 degrees, humidity 45%, light ESE wind at 17km
Week: 53.3 km
December: 290.5 km
Year: 4308.75 km

I love riding my mountain bike and with some new better off road tyres, I was looking forward to a day at " boot camp" with the boys and girls from work. Sadly, when I got home from work last night at midnight, the back tyre was flat. Too late then to have much of a look, so had to give the ride today a miss. I pumped the tyre up this morning and at this stage it still has the air in it. Somehow, the tyre just went flat in a few days.
So, I decided to go running where I hoped the troop would go. Over to the Gordon playground I went, and found them arriving just as I left. A good number of 5 boys and 2 girls out enjoying the day.
I continued on to Point Hut, then along the river track to Pine Is, around the back of Bonython and eventually back home. A good solid run, not much of a day weather wise, summer is expected next year sometime.
Tomorrow, the handicap sub committee take a look at the North Curtin course to try to find a way to get the two shorter events off the bike path. That should be easy, but there may be a hill involved for them the same as the longer course. However, what goes up must come down, a fast finish on and out and back course.


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