First Quarter Review
Distance: 14.75 km
Time: 84' 59"
Rate: 5' 46" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 16 degrees, humidity 35%, wind calm
Week: 38.4 km
April: 14.75 km
Year: 1311.75 km
I must apologise for not keeping up to date, but last Friday afternoon the Internet connection failed and only today has been restored. As Strewth said on Sunday at the vet's handicap, it's just like running without a Garmin on your arm, so are we addicted, creatures of habit or just responsible runners keeping others up to date with our lives?
So a quick up date on what you have missed.
Last Friday a run from work down by the river, 13.7 km on a nice day.
Saturday, arranged to run with CJ at Cotter, ran alone as CJ succumbed to injury ( read her blog for the story, I do feel for her so close to the marathon, get better and run). Cotter 18 miles plus up Mt McDonald then jellylegs and usual run past Vanity's Crossing to Pierces Creek, then turn sharp right up Pipeline Road to loop back to settlement and back to Cotter Reserve. Ewen and Elizabeth know about the Pipeline road, 2 kms of never ending up hill. Total distance 36 km in 3 hrs 45 mins. Difficult, cool early then nice sunny day.
Sunday, vet's handicap at Kowen Forest, 7.5 km plus warm up and cool down, total distance 13 km, 52 nd place finish, passed Strewth in last few kms, happy with that, a good guide to how I was going. No CJ again, no Ewen, what slept in!! or was that Saturday as well!!
Monday: Run from work, not much time, too many away so just an hour to do 10.6 km at quicker pace than a recovery day.
Today, longer run from work, finally able to get back to the river tracks as the grass has been cut, the snakes have gone and the weather has cooled. Slow km rate but the tracks are very undulating, rough under foot, a creek crossing on rocks, sand and gravel surface, just about perfect tracks for GH80 in May in Qld. An out and back run to Red Rocks Gorge, I love this as the mental effort required when you start to get tired is just as important as the physical effort of running. Back to the river after work to stand in the water for 15 minutes and then rode home on the mtn bike, good easy day. I did a bit at work as well, but really working just interrupts a nice sunny days that are meant for running.
And finally, the first quarter in review:
Distance: 1297.0 km in 3 months at 432.3 km ave per month
" in 13 weeks at 99.77 km ave per week
" in 69 running days at 18.8 km ave per run
Biggest 3 months ever and would be the biggest 4 months in a row if you included 506 kms last December. As well, I ran Maroondah Dam 50 km in mid Feb and Six Foot Track 45 km in early March. Recovered well from both, running again just a few days after each event. No injuries as such, couple of sore spots every now and again, massaged out by Maria or cured by immersion in cold water after nearly every run. I think this is the greatest reason I can continue to run without breaking down, plus I don't push as hard now as I did in the past. It's more a case of enjoy the training and the races take care of themselves.
As well, leave the short speed sessions alone, a tempo run at the track once a week over a longer distance with rest will maintain any speed you may have.
That's it, no secrets, just have to love what you do, and some good company to help get through a long run or two, CJ, get better soon.
I wondered where you'd got to - thought you might have gone over the handlebars again.
We're just responsible, addicted creatures of habit, keeping up to date with the world.
Yes, I needed two 10 hour sleeps to make up for that missed during the week.
Ah, the Pipeline Rd... how I miss it (not).
Ewen, At
April 2, 2008 at 8:12 PM
Yes, we are truly addicted. I miss your blog when it's not there! You inspire me you mountain goat! Oh and my garmin is working again now - recharged it and it finally restarted - no explanation - just needed a rest!
strewth, At
April 3, 2008 at 9:09 PM
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