I Did a CJ - Spectacular
Distance: 17.1 km
Time: 1 hr 40 mins 45 secs
Rate: 5' 53" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 20 degrees, humidity 45%, wind calm
Week: 29.2 km
April: 106.95 km
Year: 1403.95 km - 14 weeks at 100.28 km ave per week
When I first started running up and down mountains ( more importantly down) John Harding offered one piece of advice. Admire the scenery on your way up, and watch your feet on the way down. I have fallen a few times over the years and today I followed his advice even saying to myself on the way down off Mt Tuggeranong, looking at Mt Rob Roy, don't look at the hills in the distance.
Near the bottom, a mob of kangaroos are across the track so I slowed down waiting for them to move. They didn't, I was watching them instead of the ground, tripped over a rock and " CJ " I rejoined the group. A slow fall, almost in slow motion, I knew it would happen but could not stop. Stripped the bark off both knees, left leg, palms of both hands, left elbow, mostly superficial but the hands are sore with some deep cuts.
The run was going really well up to that point. Started from home, down past Calwell shops, oval and over to Theodore to the sub station. A short circuit of Tuggeranong Hill, over the reservoirs, down a rough gully track back to the track then up a steep gully track to the main fire trail to the top of the mountain the meets about half way up.
It was on the down that the kangaroos distracted my concentration and over I went. A bit of a shock, sat on the ground for a few minutes studying the Garmin to assess any damage, none, then the damage to myself, plenty. Finally stood up, down to the sub station to work out which way to get home. Each is about equal at 6.5 km, so I went Conder side towards Gordon where I just happened to meet Stuart Reid near Drakeford Dr. He could easily see the damage, quick chat then on towards home.
Arrived home a took some pictures on the mobile phone, but don't know how to get them on to the computer or on to the blog for all to see the evidence. Probably not as good as CJ's as there is not much blood running down my legs, always a sign of a good fall.
So I had better wash off the dirt and blood carefully, could be painful in warm water. Hopefully, I can get a longer run in tomorrow before going " down Mexico way" on Wednesday.
Let us be the judge of the "CJ" when you get the photos up. You need a cord to connect it to the USB port, and maybe some software.
Ewen, At
April 7, 2008 at 8:00 PM
Maybe some knowledge wouldn't go astray, and maybe some balance to not fall in the first place.
Two Fruits, At
April 7, 2008 at 8:17 PM
Ouch! At least you jumped up again (like the kangaroos)! Hope you're not all stiff and sore tomorrow!
strewth, At
April 7, 2008 at 10:31 PM
We're waiting to see the photos.
With Kangaeoos now in the news, that's a new twist on all the recent Kanga stories.
Friar, At
April 8, 2008 at 1:42 PM
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