Long Run on a Nice Day
Distance: 41.0 km
Time: 3 hrs 54 mins 8 secs
Rate: 5' 42" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 12-21 degrees, humidity 60% - 33%, wind calm
Week: 101.4 km
April: 77.77 km
Year: 1374.75 km
Bit chilly this morning, so with plans to meet anyone early, I slept in and ran late morning. A beaut morning to get the first of the long runs in before GH80, that is if you don't count anything under 40 kms as being long. Those kms are base building and over 40 kms are training.
It was back to the three circuits, each time returning home for eats and drinks. First circuit, home to Ashley D, thru Gowrie to Fadden nature park gate, up on to Wanniassa Hills, over to Farrer Ridge, part Isaacs to Long Gully Road crossing to the back paddocks of Wanniassa Hills that head to MacArthur. Down Isabella Dr, stopping for a drink at Fadden Pines before reaching home just over 2 hours later. First loop about 22 kms.
Called in home for a small can of creamed rice and a drink then out again this time heading to Conder and Theodore on the base track of Mt Tuggeranong. Really nice day now and running at an easy pace, walked a couple of rises around the back of the hill just to conserve energy. Second loop of 12.6 kms in 75 minutes.
Stopped in at home for a banana and a drink before heading down Johnson Dr and Woodcock Dr to the dog exercise area near Gordon. Followed the river track to Pine Is where the run finally ended. Stood and relaxed in the river for 15 minutes to soothe a couple of very tired legs before being collected in the car. One of our last hot cross buns and a can of lemon squash on the way home and then a shower and all is well again.
Really good day today, a few hours at work tonight then 2 weeks holiday. Way to go!!
I'm disappointed! Surely you could have found the extra 1.195k to knock up a sub-4 marathon!
I've heard the Great Southern Ocean is good for sharks - don't stand in the deep water while drinking your coffee.
I'll keep the grass at Calwell mowed while you're away - especially lane 6 - thanks for avoiding that one.
Ewen, At
April 5, 2008 at 8:59 PM
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