Boys Only Day - Bike Ride
Running: nil
Bike Ride Distance: 25 km approx
Time: 1 hr 45 mins total less 10 mins for stops
Rate: 15.8 kmph
Weather: sunny, temp 13 degrees, humidity 39%, wins cool southerly at 30 kmph gusting to 40 kmph
Usually so little happens on our work group bike rides, I finish up writing about the snakes and wildlife encountered on the trip. Today, only 4 of us rode, usual excuses from the others especially our gun female rider who wimped out because the wind was blowing.
When we arrived back at the depot, I had to write down all that happened so as not to forget. We now have a new name for one our regulars, named by the depot manager who goes by the name of " Lightbulb". Why, before my time so I make this this up. Either, "not switched on" or "always out".
So I will write this in point form with explanation.
We waited to leave as Bus 367 was still out on the road in service. Recently this bus has been involved in "incidents" involving cyclists. We took no chances and stayed on the bike paths.
New name for regular rider is " Earth Tremor" attacked by a wattle bird near the pond at Monash. We were going slowly battling the strong winds.
Close to Calwell shops we navigate our way to evade a lost runner, turns out to be Ewen out on a morning training run.
Not long after, the excitement starts as we head to the servo at Calwell for free air for the tyres. We ride along the front of the Calwell shops, around the corner of the building, I go wide to avoid a pole, Frazzle goes inside to crash into a man walking towards him. Attached to the bike and unable to extract himself from the pedals, Frazzle comes to a sudden holt, starts to fall off the bike as the man catches him. He still hit the ground, bit of bark off the knee, Ok, plenty to laugh about.
Leaving the servo, we need to go to Calwell oval as we head to Theodore. Tinker Bell doesn't get the difference between "Hard Left" and goes straight ahead. Not much difference, slow to learn.
The track behind Theodore is one I run regularly, fairly easy to run, bit undulating but on a bike with a head wind, bloody tough. We ride in lowest gears, walk a bit when the slope gets too steep or the surface loose, and take off too fast on the down hill. Almost lost Tinker Bell over the edge, using rally car driving technique to keep on the trail as he almost fails to turn left at the bottom of a slope.
Past the sub station we continue behind the houses to get near Tharwa Dr. A couple of workmen have their truck across the trail, we stop for a chat. Later on the down slope at Drakeford Dr leading to Gordon, Earth Tremor has a brain fade as he has to use the safety ramp or miss a corner and crash. Lucky to avoid a major fall.
A little bit down the road, Tinker Bell decides to leave the group and visit a lady friend for a cuppa and a chat. That's fine by us, except to get there, he has to turn left, by going over the top of me, no give way, just crash and dive. Down he goes, another one bites the dust.
Remaining three head towards the river and finally find the wind behind us as we encounter mum and dad duck with a tribe out for a walk. Babies are only new, and fluffy. Told them to stay off the road which they would do and go back to the pond.
Frazzle and Earth Tremor haven't been on the river track between Point Hut and Pine Is and find it fun on the dirt and sandy track. A great ride or running track. No more dramas and another great Thursday, even better if it hadn't been for the wind.
Love this day out, can't wait for next week.
I wondered why I was able to run up Johnson Drive and back and you lot were just emerging from the shops.
Ewen, At
October 24, 2008 at 5:52 PM
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