Two Fruits

Sunday, June 21, 2009

After the Rain, Run

Distance: 14.15 km
Time: 73' 25"
Rate: 5' 11" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 12 degrees, humidity 75%, wind calm
Week: 14.15 km, June: 276.0 km, Year: 2132.05 km

It seems to rain on Canada Fun run day. I entered this event a few years ago, but it rained heavily on the day, I stayed home. The donation to the Cancer Society was enough for me, the run was just a reason to donate.
It rained again this morning, hopefully not much in the city for the runners and walkers. I however slept in, and waited until this afternoon to get out.
A few sore spots from yesterday had disappeared, the outing today was from home towards Hume and back on the fire trail behind Chisholm and Gilmore. Nice soft tracks after the rain, good to run on.


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