Storm Clouds Over Parliament House
Distance: 11.00 km
Time: 57' 46"
Rate: 5' 15" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 15 degrees, humidity 80%, wind SE at 25 kmph
Week: 15.5 km
November: 347.35 km in 27/30 days at ave 12.9 km per run day
Year: 4051.25 km in 11 months at ave 368.3 km per month
The storm clouds were hovering around Parliament House today both inside and out. The internal rumblings of a political party tearing itself apart may be caused climate change outside as the clouds and rain hovered in the afternoon. I hope the Speedygeese managed to run without getting wet.
I did get a short run done at midday, the cool south easterly making life a little difficult. Hopefully the warmth will return later in the week making the adventure a little nicer. Nothing to report, felt Ok.
With a month to go this year, the target might be 4500 kms for the year, but it's not major objective, just nice if it happens.
We got wet alright but not very wet. The main storm was during the break between the two sessions.
By speedygeoff, At November 30, 2009 at 10:41 PM
I was soaked to the skin in the early session at 4.30pm but the main session wasn't too bad - only a drizzle. You ran fast - 111km in 57:46 - must be a world record!! :)
By strewth, At November 30, 2009 at 10:56 PM
Ooops, can run, can't type.
By Two Fruits, At December 1, 2009 at 1:11 PM
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