Hume to Home
Distance: 13.9 km
Time: 78' 04"
Rate: 5' 37" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 27 degrees, humidity 32%, NW 10 kmph
Week: 13.9 km, Jan & Year: 53.8 km
Dropped off at the service station in Hume on our way home from Manuka. This is the easiest way to run when time in the morning is limited to to family activities.
Nice day with a gentle following breeze, I decided to get off the main road and headed up Long Gully Road until I found a gap in the fences and headed across the nature park. Plenty of kangaroos but none willing to answer exactly where I would exit this grassy area. Eventually saw the houses of MacArthur, now I knew where I was.
Around the back to cross over Isabella Dr new the ACTEW sub station, found the pony club grounds to follow the track behind Gilmore and Chisholm to Johnson Dr. Finally home, just enough distance to make it worthwhile, glad I didn't have to go any further.
You can do Hume to Home traffic free by running past the timber yard in Hume then up to the railway, under the Gilmore tunnel and down towards Johnson Drive (the one road to cross).
By Ewen, At January 4, 2010 at 3:19 PM
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