Waiting and Filling in Time
Distance: 9.3 km
Time: 47' 48"
Rate: 5' 08" per km
Weather: warm, sunny, temp 32 degrees, humidity 17%, wind NW at 15 kmph
Week: 52.9 km, Dec: 343.3 km, Year: 4404.75 km
The last couple of weeks of the year, after the racing has been done, and Christmas not quite here, is just a waiting game and filling in time. It's a good chance to take it easy, especially if the weather is hot.
The only number I'm looking at is 4500, being kms for the year. It's a nice round number, nothing more or less. That's 95.25 kms away in 8 days (25/12 excluded ) or 11.9 kms per day. Surely in need I could do that in a day if necessary.
Today, it was hot, but very nice with low humidity and a nice breeze. First run, just around the local area near work, then rode the bike home for lunch. Dropped back at work in car, then 2nd run, a shorter version of the first followed by 10 minutes in the river. A good few hours to relax.
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