No Hat
Distance: 7.2 km
Time: 38' 47"
Rate: 5' 23" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 30 degrees, humidity 15%, wind calm
Week: 67.6 km, Jan & Year: 419.2 km
I kinda stuffed the plan up for the day caused by a flat feeling after yesterday's long run. I should have just ran home for lunch and ran back to work, that's the usual plan.
Today, indecision caused me to ride the bike home at lunch time, take the car back after, then car home at night.
The problem was I wanted to get a short easy run done sometime, at it worked out that it was after lunch. But, I as I rode the bike home with the helmet on, especially important after crashing off a few weeks ago, I left my running hat at work, and forgot to take another from home.
Long version of a short story, I ran without a hat. I always wear a hat, all year round and day or night, it doesn't matter. It feels really strange even with the sunnies on, how much light & heat there is from the sun. So much brightness and glare is kept out by the visor. I don't know how Nick ran on Tuesday morning without a hat, and many runners do as well. I can't get used to it.
Nothing to report, flatish & easy around the river area from Pine Is, quick 10 minutes in the water after the run, felt Ok, nothing special. Another couple of short easy days to get ready for Mt Tennent on Saturday morning. Should be fun, always is.
That'd be your shortest daily run ever?
I'm always in a cap these days - for other reasons ;)
By Ewen, At January 28, 2010 at 5:22 PM
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