Drifted Along All Day
Distance: 11.65 km
Time: 61' 08"
Rate: 5' 15" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 28 degrees, humidity 17%, wind NW at 22 kmph
Week: 52.25 km, Jan & Year: 296.45 km
A very normal average day where nothing went wrong and not much happened. It was a " went with the flow " day.
Running wise, it was a bit of the same, can't really do much with the one hour run on tomorrow night. I should at least give myself a chance of having a reasonable run. However, the weather conditions may have a say in that with day temp predicted to get near 38 degrees, humidity will be very low but the wind will be unkind at the track at night.
Some of the ACT Run Group may be there for a "tempo" run
Friar, At
January 21, 2010 at 2:43 PM
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