Cloudy & Cool, How Strange !
Distance: 14.5 km
Time: 75' 52"
Rate: 5' 14" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 24 degrees. humidity 47%, wind light NE at 10 kmph
Week: 14.5 km, Jan & Year: 366.1 km
Easy run to get to the hopeful weekend total of 50 km. Managed that by 300 metres adding a bit here and there on a normal run to Pine Is and back.
Good conditions this morning, the clouds taking their time to clear. Few people about as well.
Glad I'm not living in Cairns at the moment, with temperature in high 20's, humidity at 85%, rain & the threat from a cyclone off the coast. Spoke to my brother and it seems that it doesn't bother the locals much at all, the panic is with us southerners not understanding the situation. He went out for his normal run this morning, got wet of course, wife went out for a normal bike ride, life doesn't change much unless the wind gets too strong.
They have had nearly as much rain this month as we get in a year.
However, in the dry season, they have a series of hilly off road events with a 56 km ultra in October. That has sparked some interest leading into C2K. Wait and see what happens over winter.
Yeah, Ruth was looking for a woolly jumper to wear while watching the triathlon.
Ewen, At
January 25, 2010 at 8:59 PM
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