A Couple of Naked Nymphs
Distance: 7.25 km
Time: 36' 56"
Rate: 5' 05" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 28 degrees, humidity 25%, wind NW at 20 kmph
Week: 58.65 km, Mar: 252.8 km, Year: 1075.5 km
Friday is usually a rest day or very easy. I took the easy option as I ran back to work from home at lunch time. Easy, because there is plenty of down hill, some flat and very little up. A bit of a head wind this afternoon , but nothing to worry about.
Cruising along towards the river at Pine Is, I had just enough spare time to get 10 minutes in the water. I usually stop at the main beach, normally no one about at this time of the year, But the afternoon was such a nice time of day, there were two naked young girls on the beach. Decisions, decisions, what do I do now ? Never had this problem before.
Stopped to access the situation, finally decided to go a bit further on to another patch of sand for my 10 minutes of cool water recovery. Started to run back to work when the girls appeared walking along the track, this time wearing a bit more than a smile. At least they were happy, having enjoyed catching a few rays of sunshine.
Back to the running, I nearly forget what I was writing about. Much better later in the week after I wrote about the 2nd week syndrome. Tomorrow's run will tell where I am at, and how the next few weeks will go.
Mmmm... might try that course as an easy run next Friday straight after work... should be still warm enough.
Ewen, At
March 27, 2010 at 4:59 PM
Sounds to me like the cold water recovery was a jolly good plan!!
strewth, At
March 27, 2010 at 8:34 PM
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