Knowns & Unknowns
Distance: 12.1 km
Time: 61' 31"
Rate: 5' 05" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 24 degrees, humidity 50%, wind calm
Week: 51.4 km, Mar: 245.55 km
Year: 1068.25 km in 12 weeks at ave 89.02 km per week
In the words of a recent American Vice President ( I think), there are known knowns, known unknowns, unknown knowns etc......
Trying to work out a Saturday running plan for the last 8 months of the year is an example of the above. Some things I think are set down on certain dates, some things are movable, some things may happen but not sure just when. And then there is the weather, the most unknown of the all, except family, when everything is subject to change.
One constant is work, it just keeps on rolling along, so that's a known. At the moment, the plan is written in pencil on a scrap of paper, not sure enough to commit it to draft form on Wordpad.
I have looked at every calendar for running I know, hoping events don't change dates.
Today I ran home for lunch and back to work. Felt much better than Tuesday, I will relegate that run to distant memory.
This Saturday I will run from home over longer distance, not real sure how I will go. Weather forecast is good, so might leave it until later in the morning. The weekend after is Easter, all being well, the 1st run on the plan may well be a final Cotter run before winter sets in.
I will finalize the plan soon and email it to those on the list for Six Foot Track training. It will have to be tough with the " Tan 100" in August the next major event, if you don't count the Gold Rush off road marathon and the Bush Capital 60 km as major.
I have one known known - my body is still feeling the effects of 6'. Trying 20k around the lake tomorrow with Ruth (+ 15k warm-up for her) and Jen - hope I make it!
You're right about these perfect days - hard to resist!
By Ewen, At March 26, 2010 at 5:23 PM
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