Not Enough Time
Distance: 8.05 km
Time: 40' 21"
Rate: 5' 01" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 23 degrees, humidity 35%, wind calm
Week: 21.15 km, Mar: 215.3 km, Year: 1038.0 km
Too much to do, and not enough usable time. Ran back to work after lunch, stopped for 10 minutes at Pine Is to cool off.
As is usual when watching reality TV shows, I can't pick the winner. Just finished watching My Kitchen Rules, picked the boys to win, they finished 2nd. Gee, both couples can put up a good plate.
I often wondered if we could get taste transmission on TV. Then we'd really know how the dishes taste.
By Friar, At March 23, 2010 at 5:31 PM
Missed it, but I'm going for Boston Rob on Survivor ;)
Not looking forward to the Handicap Sunday - Stromlo is terrible!
By Ewen, At March 23, 2010 at 9:17 PM
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