Two Fruits

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wanniassa Hills

Distance: 25.0 km
Time: 2 hrs 22 mins 41 secs
Rate: 5' 42" per km
Altitude gain/loss: 350 metres
Calories used: 1930
Weather: sunny, temp 22 - 26 degrees, humidity 50% down to 35%, wind calm
Week: 83.65 km, Mar: 277.8 km, Year: 1100.5 km

I have written out the training plan for the next 4 months. It started with a 25 km run today, and that's what I did. This is the beginning of a long build up leading to the "Tan" 100 km run in Melbourne in August after a couple of post SFT weeks that were Ok.
The map shows I left home, up Ashley Dr through Gowrie towards Fadden, on to the Wanniassa Hills nature park, under Yamba Dr to Farrer, back under Yamba Dr into Isaacs. I had an indecision moment, thought about doing a circuit of Isaacs Ridge but then didn't want to do the hill climb.
Instead, cross Long Gully Road to run down the nature park trail to MacArthur, on to Isabella Dr to stop for a drink at Fadden Pines. Plenty of people enjoying the great outdoors, the smell of the BBQ's almost too much to resist. Followed Isabella Dr down to turn on to Drakeford Dr, and eventually back home to complete a figure of 8 loop.
Beaut day out, felt Ok, bit humid but then that is what I expect in Qld in late May under the cover of the rain forest. Very few others out either running, walking or on bikes. Must have been at the BBQ.
Interesting to see how I back up tomorrow at the monthly handicap.


  • I know those trails. Nice flat finish (except for the bit up to your house).

    Plenty out and about down by the lake, but the bike path was getting to me after 15k.

    By Blogger Ewen, At March 27, 2010 at 5:48 PM  

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