Distance: 15.95 km
Time: 81' 01"
Rate: 5' 05" per km
Weather: sunny, temp range 2 - 9 degrees, humidity 90% down to 60%, wind calm
Week: 31.55 km, June: 181.5 km, Year: 2163.05 km
Members of the sub committee for the monthly running handicaps looked over the Arboretum to find suitable tracks to use for the Sept events.
Whatever is finally decided upon will be hilly. The proposed start area is high up on the events terrace, a nice flat piece of ground with commanding views over LBG and towards the city.
However, from a running point of view, if the races start high and go lower, then the finish will be difficult.
We may have found the easiest option staying away from the short steep, the long grind of up hill, but whatever is the final decision, it will be a strong back marker's course for all 3 events.
Plenty of time to get some hill training done.
A really nice morning out there allowing some good faster running for a change. I need to circulate some maps to the decision makers, look out Google Earth.
I vote for a short course that starts at Eagle's Nest and finishes down by the lake!
We need a fast downhill course on dirt so I can break 20 for 5k!
By Ewen, At June 14, 2010 at 2:50 PM
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