Touring de Mountains
Distance: 42.5 km
Time: 4 hrs 34 mins 22 sec
Rate: 6' 27" per km
Altitude gain/loss: 1000 metres
Calories used: 3470
Weather: cold early, sunny, temp range -1 to 10 degrees, humidity 97% down to 45%, wind calm to start then later cool southerly at 15 kmph
Week: 105.55 km, June: 149.95 km, Year: 2131.5 km
Six of us started at Mawson Playing Fields at 8 am, still cold, long pants, gloves & beanie weather at least for while until the sun decided to apply heat to us.
We basically did the Tour de Mountain course one and half times leaving out Mt Taylor the second time. We ran & walked the Farrer ridge, Wanniassa Hills trig & Isaacs ridge first & third lap, just changing the course second time to go across the top of Isaacs instead of the figure 8 that is used for the December race.
Mt Taylor has had a make over with the front walking track now paved, a couple of seats added to rest on and admire the views over the magnificent Tuggeranong valley. Still a climb that takes doing, but well worth the effort. Even the down hill track to Chifley & Pearce has been improved, but shoes with good traction provide a bit of safety.
Not that many people about, probably away for the long weekend end. A good day out with company prepared to put in the hard yards. Really enjoyable day, thanks guys & girls.
There's an "us" missing from your first sentence ;)
I vote for more seats beside trails up mountains. You lot thrashed us by pace and ran 4 times as far.
Ewen, At
June 13, 2010 at 6:23 PM
Ewen, fixed, thanks.
Two Fruits, At
June 13, 2010 at 7:35 PM
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