Easy Does It
Distance: 8.8 km
Time: 49' 28"
Rate: 5' 38" per km
Weather; mostly sunny, temp 14 degrees, humidity 50%, wind NW 10 kmph
Week: 17.55 km, Aug: 176.5 km, Year: 1522.45 km
Many, when returning to a bigger volume of running, do too much too soon. The risk of injury or sickness then becomes a lay off, that then leads to a repeat of the cycle.
During my last few months, I have at least done enough to maintain a low base. I am therefore trying to run consistently every day without increasing the distances by too much until I can be comfortable, and happy with where I am at. Just running 5-6 days a week will be good, time permitting.
Nothing again too exciting, the sun did shine after an overcast morning. Stopped in my tracks by 3 kangaroos that refused to get off the trail at Pine Is. After a few words of warning, and patience, one moved, the others followed.
Strewth, I work a night shift every 3rd week except in school holidays. So Tuesday group may see me more often. Tag along if you want a hill or two.
It's good you are back and back into it. Running is all about "a bit at a time" for all of us. Hope to see you on the trails some time soon.
By Jog Blog, At August 30, 2011 at 9:37 PM
Yay will be good to see you at Tuesday group:)Watch out for those kangaroos - at the moment I'm avoiding the swooping magpies!
By strewth, At September 2, 2011 at 1:16 PM
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