Behind Elle
Distance: 12.55 km
time: 76' 14"
Rate: 6' 04" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 14 degrees, humidity 45%, wind calm
Week: 31.4 km, Sept: 88.00 km, Year: 1610.45 km
Run from work to Gordon to the steep hill behind Elle's house. A tough one to run up, even harder on a mountain bike where the back wheel loses grip on the gravel surface. It's a good challenge & will certainly improve your fitness.
Nothing else to report, another cloudy day with chance of rain which didn't happen. Hopefully it will stay away for Saturday morning. May be the fun runners on Sunday will get wet.
Hope not. My glasses fog up in the rain (from looking at all those women as they pass me on the way up to Julia's house).
By Ewen, At September 9, 2011 at 7:16 PM
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