Calwell Oval - Lane 5
Time: 52' 52"
Rate: 4' 42" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 16 degrees, humidity 40%, wind light north to 15 kmph
Week: 54.2 km, Sept: 194.6 km, Year: 1717.05 km
First time to Calwell oval since January this year. Oval in good condition with grass nicely short yet still soft enough. Ran bare feet as usual for the 23 laps plus a couple of easy cool down laps.
Garmin auto recorded each lap as I went past my start area. Pace not that fast but this was the first and speed is not that important just yet.
A good time there, will try to incorporate this session more often when I get a chance.
Good stuff. I'm going to get down there regularly - once or twice a week. It's officially 'closed' the next 2 weeks due to line marking, top dressing etc.
By Ewen, At September 16, 2011 at 7:27 PM
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