No Effort Today
Distance: 10.5 km
Time: 57' 16"
Rate: 5' 27" per km
Weather: sunny, nice day, temp 21 degrees, humidity 40%, wind northerly 10 kmph
Week: 53.3 km, Nov: 177.1 km
Year: 2547.35 kms in 45 weeks at ave 56.6 kms p.w.
I don't usually run on Fridays, but I counted yesterday as a rest day.
A nothing type run day, just round the river and nature parks, usual tracks. Finished at the river for 15 minutes in the water, very nice.
Speaking of water & very nice locations. I heard on the radio today that Vanities Crossing is going to be closed to vehicle traffic soon with gates erected. Seems the authorities believe vehicles may contaminate Canberra's water supply. Taken a long time to work that out !!
Bush walkers & mountain bike riders will still be permitted on the roads, there was no mention of runners.
Looks like we can still go out there for our fix of fresh air. One day the trees will grow back and provide some shade, just like in the good old days.
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