Aranda & Arboretum
Distance: 16.4 kms
Time: 123' 47"
Rate: 7' 33" per km
Weather: sunny, warm, temp range 20-27 degrees, humidity 50% down to 45%, wind mostly calm then NW 15 kmph
Week: 137.15 km, Nov: 123.8 km, Year: 2494.05 km
We had to map & measure the new January vet's monthly handicap course today to enable the map to be in the Vetrunner magazine at the end of this month. No magazine in December.
Really nice morning at the start at Bindubi St, up from where we once ran a monthly handicap a few years ago. The course takes in most of that course and part of the old Rani Road course. Walked along pushing the measuring wheel as one distance calculator as well as our GPS's. Allowing for the rocks on the track, and averaging the GPS's, we found 6 kms in distance for the long course. The two shorter courses turn under the GDE, nice place to be a marshall on the day.
On my way home, I stopped at the Arboretum for a recovery jog on the lower trails closer to the Tuggie Parkway. Distance 10.4 kms easy done. Don't need any more hills for a few days.
Lack of sleep last night, over tired I guess. Try for a nana nap this afternoon, bit of house work to do before that happens. Otherwise, feel good today, looking for some rain or showers mid week as an excuse for a rest day.
Had Kerrie's horse grazing in the front yard Sunday, so don't stop at the long grass or you'll have gone too far.
By Ewen, At November 7, 2011 at 8:55 PM
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