Cotter to Bulls Head
Distance: 56.15 km
Time: 6 hrs 20 mins 26 secs
Rate: 6' 46" per km
Elevation gain: 1542 metres
Calories burned up: 3850
Weather: cloudy to start then sunny, temp range 10-28 degrees, humidity 90% down to 25%, wind mostly calm
Week: 120.75 km, ( one day to go) Nov: 107.4 km, Year: 2477.65 km
Excellent day to run from Cotter to Bull's Head high in the Brindabella Ranges. Usual start through Pierce's settlement out to Vanities Crossing. Not as cold as it has been, very nice. Shoes off on the way out, too far to go with wet feet.
Then at relay changeover, left up Wark's Road stopping at DS7 gate where Mick turned back at 15 kms, so he ran 30 kms for the day.
Nick turned just after DS6 on top of the hill at 20 kms, so he ran 40 kms for his day. We continued on to Bendora Dam road where we met a group of 8 or 9 mountain bike riders enjoying their day.
At Bull's Head, instead of turning back the same way, we ran on Mt Franklin Road to Old Mill Road where the Brindabella Classic once or twice turned. It's a bit rocky and rough this road, but it's different from going back down Bendora Dam road.
Old Mill Road meet Wark's Road about 2 kms from DS6 where we had left our back packs hidden.
A good time as our drinks had finished as the temperature rose to the high 20's. Refilled from a fast flowing & clear creek, cool as well.
A good pace down hill past DS 7 to the now open, sunny & very warm trail above Vanities Crossing. A great location that on arrival, a couple of blokes were in the water enjoying a beer & had the sausage sizzle under way. Offered us some refreshments, but I think they would have come back up as quickly as they went down. Cooled off in the water, then the last 6.5 kms back to the start at Cotter.
A top day out, tough, very warm, dry & dusty. But we got the job done, and enjoyed ourselves.
Felt Ok all the way, surprised how well the 2nd half went, and happy with the overall time & km rate.
Especially when considering the elevation gain & loss. No soreness or real fatigue at present, no doubt I will sleep well tonight.
I would have kept them down... by stopping at DS7! Then walking home. I'm good at that.
Ewen, At
November 5, 2011 at 10:08 PM
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