Orroral Valley
Distance: 6.65 km
Time: 38' 42"
Rate: 5' 49" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 22 degrees, humidity 45%, wind calm
Week: 100.5 km, Nov: 224.3 km, Year: 2594.55 km
Drink station attendant at the old Orroral Tracking Station used between 1965 & 1984 to assist with the moon space program & landings. Now left as it was after the buildings were removed, the kangaroos, rabbits & snakes have moved in. A wonderful place to relax and good running trails. Plenty of hills.
Today, waited for the last of the marathon runners to leave and followed them to Kerrie's drink station on the bridge at the Orroral River crossing. Ran back with Kerrie after packing up her gear. Nice easy pace while Kerrie did a bit of chatting.
Run kms down from last week due to bad weather early and a shorter long run on Saturday. All's good.
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