Touring de Ridges
Distance: 14.8 km
Time: 120' 45"
Rate: 8' 10" per km
Elevation gain: 450 metres
Weather: cloudy, temp range 12-16 degrees, humidity 75% down to 60%, wind mostly calm
Week: 51.00 km, Dec: 144.3 km, Year: 2936.7 km
Due to a lack of fitness & energy levels, I decided not to run but to help out at the annual Tour de Ridges mountain running event starting from Mawson Playing Fields this morning. Instead, Softshoe joined me in cleaning up after every one had gone.
Being the sweeper/ sign collector means no pressure to run hard or fast. Just amble along chatting and waiting for the competitors to pass.
I checked out the new MacArthur loop to start to ensure no signs had been moved or turned around to mislead the runners. Then collected the signs on Isaacs ridge where only the 21 km runners had to complete the figure 8 course.
Another good field over the three events with around 170 entrants. That's good for a final hit out before the Christmas festivities.
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