Two Fruits

Friday, February 17, 2012

Better Than Monday

Distance:  13.2 km
Time: 71' 00"
Rate: 5' 23" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 26 degrees, humidity 50%, wind north 10 kmph
Week:  48.35 km,  Feb:  255.4 k,  Year:  711.45 km

Same run as Monday but far better as there was little lingering effects from long run on Sunday.
Nice morning although a little humid. Ran easy down to Pine Is and used opportunity to have a quick dip in the river to cool off.
Back home felt good, happy with the outing. Heaps of small lizards on the warm sandy track between Point Hut and Pine Is. Glad they all had legs, no slithery objects to jump over.
Great session in the gym at work tonight. Changed the plan about, up the weight, less reps, then changed it around again. Longer session as well, so finished with 8 circuits. A good day just unhappy to have missed the 10 km at the track tonight as I missed the 1 hour run as well this year. Both worth getting out there to run.


  • Yes, it was a good crowd. Although former ACT 10k Champion Mrs Muscles was a notable absence. You would have had some good competition in the 40 to 43 minute range.

    By Blogger Ewen, At February 17, 2012 at 4:35 PM  

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