Two Fruits

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

North Curtin Monthly Handicap Course

Walk/ jog around course - 6.25 kms in 60' 43" at 9' 43"
Jog near Cotter Road - 3.35 km in 18'27" at 5' 31"
Home around the block - 1.5 km in 7' 48" at 5' 08'
Weather: sunny, temp 21 degrees, humidity 60%, wind calm
Week:  35.15 km,  Feb:  242.2,  Year:  698.25 km

I checked out the February monthly handicap course today with course organiser, Kent, in case there were any problems. A large tree had fallen over the bike path 200 metres from the start line in the long course.
The nice people from Parks & Gardens have put the chainsaw through the middle of the tree and have cleared the path. The long grass has also been cut in the same area, so now that section is OK to run.
A section near the bike path at the drain has been fenced off to replace some concrete sections. Unless this is finished before race day, a bit of cross country grass running will be required. This will at worse be a nuisance, not really a major drama.
Otherwise, all set for race day. We found most of the km markers, painted some arrows on the ground, and generally sorted out the logistics for the day.
Back home to discover I was 500 metres short of minimum kms for the day. So a short jog around the block from home finished off a nice day out in the sunshine.


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