Not Enough ?
Distance: 12.00 km
Time; 68' 52"
Rate: 5' 44" per km
Weather: sun/cloud, temp 16 degrees, humidity 50%, wind cool west 25 kmph
Week: 51.55 km, March: 353.85 km, Year: 1190.15 km
With 3 weeks to go before my next major event, the thoughts start as to " have I done enough"
The real thinking should be " time to taper". Mostly we think that enough has not been done.
But, mostly we have a big enough base to get through whatever distance/event has been entered.
There is no point now doing the big last run, or too many speed sessions at top pace.
However, it's not time to stop either. Today for me, just another run to keep the legs and mind active.
Unless your name is Phibes, in which case will continue to churn out big weekly totals & not taper for Coburg. His next real event is in May, overseas. Wonder if he gets a nana nap in the afternoon.
If he had time he'd get a nana nap in the morning AND the afternoon!
By Ewen, At March 23, 2012 at 9:11 PM
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