Distance: 16.3 km
Time: 89' 47"
Rate: 5' 30" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 12 degrees, humidity 70%, wind calm
Week: 42.95 km, June: 203.35 km, Year: 2267.25 km
Another average winter's day seeing no sign of the sun until very late in the afternoon. Therefore, it stayed cool & cloudy, not very inspiring running weather for me.
I stay at work all day on Thursdays. As well today was shift pick time for the school holidays, probably for the next 12 months at least. I have to be careful to select wisely as what you pick is generally what you have to keep for a long time.
Before selection time just after 1 pm, I went for a run, nearly 11 kms. Easy enough taking in the small hill behind Bonython, so fairly easy.
Shift pick time, found what looks good on paper, very similar start/finish time to what I have now, with a full 4 hour break from 10 am to 2 pm. That should be good in winter, and early enough in summer ( if we get one) to run before it gets too hot.
Guess what the shift number is ..... 2412. I looked at shift 2424, but it was already taken. And not what I would like anyway.
After picking 2412, I ran another 5 and a bit kms to make a descent total out of the time available.
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