Just Before the Rain
Distance: 11.9 km,
Time: 67' 53"
Rate: 5' 42" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 9 degrees, humidity 80%, wind calm, light drizzle
Week: 11.9 km, July: 135.85 km, Year: 2736.2 km
Rest day yesterday, a few things had to be done, so I called it a rest day. Plenty more of these coming up.
Today, I ran an easy loop around the local area, nothing special. Just finished before the rain set in for the rest of the day.
Finished with a good 30 minutes in the gym, an area that I have let slip a little bit recently while trying to get good kms done.
Felt good, so all is on track, so to speak. Pun intended.
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