Midweek Company Again
Distance: 18.9 km
Time: 1 hr 48 mins 10 secs
Rate: 5' 44" per km
Weather: sunny, cold, temp 8 degrees, humidity 65%, wind southerly 25 kmph
Week: 58.9 km, July: 73.2 km, Year: 2673.55 km
Same as last Thursday, I had the company of Princess Muscles today.
We ran from work to Kambah Village, then left on to Boddington Cr in Kambah to Learmonth Dr and back to our start.
She is in recovery from a good run ( Pb) at KOM at Kangaroo valley last Sunday. Also, she had ran 7 kms early morning so a great effort for the day. But, at 12.3 kms, that was enough especially after turning south after Kambah Village and heading into a very cold & strong southerly wind.
I went inside at work to get another jacket for my next 6.6 kms, my arms & hands were very cold.
A loop around the back of Bonython, over to Pine Is and back to work. Most of the run was able to hide among the trees for some shelter from the wind.
It is character building, not nice, but job done.
Thanks to Elle for the company again this week. Not sure now with school holidays, then my trip to Qld, when we can again run together during the week.
She's in good form then - KOM is a tough bastard. I ran it once in the '80s.
Ewen, At
July 6, 2012 at 6:06 PM
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