Two Fruits

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lane 5 on Grass

Calwell Oval
Purpose:  tempo
Distance: 20 laps + cool down = 10.35 kms
Time: 48' 55"
Rate:  4' 43" per km
Purpose: Transport
Distance: 5.8 km
Time:  30' 14"
Rate:  5' 13" per km
Weather: nice sunny day, temp 23 degrees, humidity 50%, wind very light N 5 kmph

Week:  31.8 km,  Mar:  105.8 km,  Year: 1021.3 km

A rest day yesterday has helped as expected and today was too nice not to get outside again.
A mixed up day with a trip to the oval where the grass track was getting holes put in it, aerated.
The grass itself needs a cut, but it is nice and soft for running bare feet.
Ran usual but much slower around 20 laps plus a cool down. This was not a speed session, just a comfortable pace quicker than normal weekly running.
Home afterwards for lunch, then a run back to work which was quicker than normal. Those fast twitch muscles had been reignited by the oval session.
Felt good today, medium long run tomorrow.


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