Two Fruits

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Measuring When I Shouldn't Have To

Where: Stromlo Forest Park
Purpose: measure running track
Distance by GPS:  4.15 km
Time:   38' 41"
Rate:    9' 20" per km
Where: Tuggeranong
Purpose: fill in time
Distance: 3.3 km
Time:  5' 20" per km
Weather: sunny, temp 25 degrees, humidity 45%, wind NW 15 kmph

Week:  40.9 km, March:  245.75 km,  Year:  1161.25 km

Firstly, a trip to Stromlo Forest Park to measure & check on the grass running track for the next monthly handicap. Grass is nice, but GPS's measured all over the place and as we know, they don't like tight corners. The old fashioned measuring wheel is still the best for this.
Then, back at work a little early, so just time to fit in a short jog to Pine Is and back. Nice afternoon.


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