Week 27 - All About the Vert
Distance: 2,445.1 kms in 27 weeks at ave 90.55 kms ( up from 90.4 kms at week 26)
Last week: 93.75 kms
Altitude: 56,880 metres in 27 weeks at ave 2,107 metres ( up from 2,061 metres at week 26)
Last week: 3,296 metres
I didn't run last Saturday, so this was achieved in 6 days. Should be happy with that.
With no long run, distance was achieved by consistency with a couple of days at 21-23 kms & a couple at 14 kms each. Happy also with the pace at the moment as I can stroll along easy if I want but still seem to have a bit of speed when I need especially on a bit of down hill.
This week was really all about the hills. Three of them had serious amount of altitude gain ( vert) starting with 900 metres on a run on the eastern side of Googong Dam last Friday, ( pace 7'00" per km)
Saturday was the rest day.
Sunday was another trip to the Bullen Range, 23 kms with a nice 930 metres of vert, ( pace 7'54" per km)
Couple of easy flat runs on Tues & Wed.
Then today, a rare solo run up and down Mt Tennent on the single narrow walking track with it's rocks, steps & fallen timber to negotiate. It's 7 kms of up hill one way. So 14 kms altogether, with 816 metres of vert. ( pace 8'16" per km).
A good week, no problems although I don't think over 3000 metres of vert is possible every week.
You'll fly up Point to Pinnacle like it's a flat couple of laps at Calwell.
Ewen, At
July 13, 2016 at 9:07 PM
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