Week 47 - Two Week's Worth
Distance: 3,530.9 kms in 47 weeks at ave 75.1.kms ( up from 75.0 in week 45)
Last 2 weeks: 157.7 kms
Altitude: 116,651 metres in 47 weeks at ave 2,482 metres ( up from 2,435 metres in week 45)
Last 2 weeks: 7,063 metres
I had a week away on holidays so no update last weekend. A travel day, several short walk days, couple of short run days didn't help maintain averages.
But, a good solid run/walk up a local hill did just enough during the week away.
Back home on Monday, and another day trip on Tuesday meant a very slow start to this current week. I made up for this with a solid run on Wednesday, 22 kms with 1062 metres of vertical. But, I kicked a rock on an easy flat track, not concentrating, and fell. Skin off in a few places, but a sore right knee, although not damaged, changed my running style.
Not quite a rest day Thursday, walked 8 kms with 286 metres of vert. Then feeling better on Friday, took to the local hills with 15 kms and 995 metres ( should have done the extra).
My running mate later in the day suggested a run on Saturday, too good a chance to miss. Out we went this morning for another 20 kms with 1,058 metres of vertical.
Now back on track, weather permitting, to resume a more structured few weeks of running & climbing as the year comes to an end.
Think I'll be ahead on distance, but about 1/20th the vert.
Ewen, At
November 30, 2017 at 3:49 PM
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