2018 - Year All Done
Distance: 4,239.25 kms in 52 weeks and one day at ave 81.3 kms ( up from 81.25 kms at week 51)
Last 8 days: 95.4 kms
Altitude: Garmin - 152,940 metres in 52 weeks and one day at ave 2,933 metres ( up from 2,914 metres at week 51)
Last 8 days: 4,301 metres
Strava: 155,128 metres
So ends another year of running and in my case climbing heaps of hills and mountains.
First half of the year slightly better than second half with most of October spent on mainland Australia on a holiday where any running was just to stay in the routine.
Heaps of local running on the big hill behind Hobart called Mt Wellington. Peaking at 1,271 mtres above sea level most trips started near sea level and accounted for much of the yearly vertical and distance.
Some outside the local area running was done in the north of the state including Gone Nuts 101 km March ( hilly coastal) and Convicts & Wenches 50 kms in April( coastal trail & beach) being main race events. Later in the year, August, a Rail / Trail 52 kms race( old railway line ) was done up north. New event, liked this one. Compass Club South conducted their 2nd marathon at the southern most point on Australia. A perfect weather day for end of Sept.
Travelled to the mainland for Neverest Challenge in Canberra in March where I did 30 laps up and down Mt Ainslie for 60 kms with 4,900 metres of vertical. Completed the rest of the challenge over the next few days to make the full 8,848 metres required for the height of Mt Everest. Love this event, it is special to me.
Also on the mainland, again to Canberra, I did a 12 hour night run at Kowen Forest in early Sept completing 60 kms in just over 11 hours ( a full next lap to count would have taken time past 12 hours and not been counted).
Also started my Parkrun career having now done 20 with 3 times volunteering as well. These are good fun as well as adding a bit of speed into aging legs. First two Parkruns were in Cairns in far north Qld with another couple at Fingal bay at Port Stephens on central coast of NSW. Remaining Parkruns were local Hobart.
Triple Top Mountain run was held in Nov also in the north of the state on a beautiful sunny day. Which was just as well as what should have been around 4 hours turned into 11 hours with a female running friend of mine falling a smashing up her ankle. Waited with her for the helicopter to get her out 5-6 hours later. Finished the run in the dark, but all good in the end.
Then there was running in the snow during winter on Mt Wellington & local higher hills. Certainly a highlight of the year. Absolutely beautiful in the white powdery stuff.
Also got out and about for fun adventure trips including Mt Field National Park, Tasman peninsular for Fortescue Bay Three Capes track, Florentine Valley to run with the leeches and the double trig/rock pile of Platform Peak & Mt Dromedary. That was a great day.
The year wasn't all good on the family health front with my brother-in-law suffering firstly a heart attack ( 6 blocked arteries) leading to kidney failure ( 3 times a week dialysis now). That has set the family back a bit as he is single & lives alone. Needs assistance, not daily, but has blunted our ability to get away more often & for longer.
This year, 2019, certainly won't be as big as last. I don't have the desire to push those up hill metres so if can get over 100k for the year, that will do.
Looking forward to another year of getting out, staying healthy & fit, putting more on more rock piles & taking more photos. Probably won't need new shoes until mid year when the next sale is on at the local running shoe store.
Steve, What an awesome year of running achievements, firsts (parkrun, new runs) and enjoyment. Your positivity is infectious. Thanks for your strata and blog and all the very best with with your runs in 2019.
Niffy Nev, At
January 2, 2019 at 11:02 AM
A very good running year. Congrats.
Black Knight, At
January 12, 2019 at 6:01 AM
4065k for me and about 1/10 the vert. All the best for 2019, looking forward to reading.
Ewen, At
January 30, 2019 at 7:17 AM
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