Great South West Walk
Where: Portland, Vic.
Distance: 21.75 km
Time: 2 hrs 5 mins 50 secs
Rate: 5' 47" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 17 degrees, humidity 85%, NW wind at 25 kmph
Week: 71.00 km
April: 148.75 km
Year: 1445.75 km
Two days of travelling from Canberra to Portland were fairly easy, no need to hurray as we had to collect my sister-in-law from Melbourne airport around 1:00 pm on Thursday, flying in from Hobart. Drove on to Portland through Geelong, Colac ( famous for the 6 day run in Nov), and Warrnambool. Weather for the two days was good, sunny and no wind.
Today, the weather was Ok to start but had clouded over by the time I went out around 10:00 am. A light drizzle followed on and off and as I write this mid afternoon, the rain has started. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon for the wedding will at least be fine. While the rest of Aust may be in drought or recovering from the lack of rain, down here in the south west of Victoria, everything is green. Water restrictions don't exist, but the water from the taps is dreadful, bore water from the ground, a slimy, feel, absolutely terrible to drink and not much better for washing.
At least the tracks for running are terrific, the Great South West Walk track is 250 km in total, starting at the Portland Visitor's Centre, a big circuit into South Australia via an inland track and back on the sea cliffs and beaches of the Great Southern Ocean.
Of this all I did today was 10 km, a mere small section on the cliffs overlooking the ocean, magnificent scenery out to see, not quite high enough to see Antarctica. Often through with a southerly wind blowing you can feel the cold off the ice. I keep looking for whales and icebergs, but haven't seen one yet.
I ran out and back on the track then down to the port area where Sammy the Seal holds pride of place waiting for the fishermen returning with their catch. The cool ocean water is just great for recovery for a couple of running legs. Bit surprised as it was not as cold as I thought it would be.
Wedding tomorrow afternoon, can I get a run in during the morning, I hope so.
CJ, read your email, hope the hand get better quickly and you, and everyone else have a good run in the Canberra marathon.
Sounds like you're having a great time enjoying some new trails.
Hope you squeezed in a run this morning :)
Ewen, At
April 12, 2008 at 9:47 AM
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