Stayed Upright all the Way
Distance: 20.05 km
Time: 1 hr 55 mins 31 secs
Rate: 5' 45" per km
Weather: cloudy, temp 17 degrees, humidity 45%, SE wind at 17 kmph
Week: 49.25 km
April: 127.0 km
Year: 1424.0 km
I didn't think there was much damage from yesterday's fall, but it took about 5 km today to get in to any kind of rhythm. Right knee sore until I warmed up, then I think it was mainly the lack of skin covering. The weather was helping either, it was quite cool with a cool wind blowing from the south.
A circuit of the Tuggeranong valley going south today, from Calwell shops, past Theodore to Conder, past Lanyon shops to Gordon and Point Hut. Along the river to near Pine Is, then behind Bonython to Woodcock Dr and home. I should have titled today's story the " The 5 suburbs loop ".
A slow start, bit better in the middle, then I started to get cold and slowed down again. Got the run done, not enjoyable, didn't fall over, then I was careful as well as slow.
Couple of days off now travelling, maybe a change of scenery will improve the mental outlook.
Good luck on Sunday to the marathon runners, I hope the weather is kind and the wind always assisting.
The mandatory rest will do you good and give your poor sore knee a chance to repair itself - enjoy the change of scenery and the change of pace. Try to relax and recuperate!!
strewth, At
April 8, 2008 at 7:54 PM
I hope the weather on Sunday is nice and warm for the spectators :)
Don't get lost on the run the morning of the wedding.
Ewen, At
April 8, 2008 at 8:20 PM
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